The story of a closely-knit group of friends at a traditional New England all-girls boarding school in 1963, who recognize their own value and potential when their all-female sanctuary becomes threatened by the specter of men.
Friday, June 29, 2007
All I Wanna Do
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Limbo - a poem by Draftrabbit from
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
another cool poem
very cool poem that I found.
Monday, June 25, 2007
"She'll tell our future. Don't believe her."
I'm starting to feel a little better about this whole college thing. It still makes me want to cry oceans, though. I'm just so afraid. Why don't people understand that? Is everyone else really that excited? Am I the only person who's terrified?
I feel so far away. I just want to curl up in my closet and stay there for a couple years. It feels like there's this big cloud of doom hovering overhead. In 56 days lightning will explode from it and shatter my world into a billion pieces. I'll wake up in a strange new world where people drink excessively and do all sorts of strange things that I don't particularly want to think about. Do I really have to wake up that day?
Saturday, June 23, 2007
schedule change, work sucks, and the end of the world
I hate work. It sucks. There really isn't a reason it sucks, it just does. Well, the customers who look like they haven't washed their hands in 3 months are probably the biggest reason it sucks. Though, having to stand in front of my register staring at nothing is pretty sucky, too.
So, believe it or not, I'm actually started to get a little bit excited about college. It will probably go away soon.
I've been going through my CDs, trying to decide which ones to take with me. I have a lot of CDs. It's kinda crazy how many CDs I have. I got my first CD 7 years ago. Now I have more than 100... probably closer to 150.
I hate that I'll have to start all over. I've worked so hard to get the few friends that I have... OK, that's not true. They were kinda just there. But, I hate meeting new people. It's just cruel. Why can't somebody come with me? Anyone? *sigh*
Thursday, June 21, 2007
um... blah?
Here's my week: (I typed and erased the "H" 7 times before I realized what I was doing.)
June 24-30, 2007
Sunday (24): work 11 AM - 5 PM (This will be changing. I'm not supposed to be working Sunday mornings. It's on my application. I'm kinda pissed about this.)
Monday (25): nada
Tuesday (26): nothing
Wednesday (27): library 4 - 6/7 PM
Thursday (28): work 4 - 9 PM
Friday (29): work 3 - 9 PM
Saturday (30): work 4 - 9 PM
Well... That's it.
I seriously don't get that Wendy's commercial with all the people kicking the trees. It kinda creeps me out.
Monday, June 18, 2007
62 days
They scheduled me for Psych 101, so I need to get that fixed.
My schedule is as follows (excluding Psych 101, cause that needs to be replaced):
Comp 1 MWF 11:00 - 11:50 AM
Mass Communications and the Popular Arts TR 9:30 - 10:45 AM
Basic Statistics MWF 9:00 - 9:50 AM
Intro to Astronomy T 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Yeah. Astronomy seemed pretty random to me, too. It fulfills a gen ed science requirement, though. I hope it doesn't totally suck. It's at night, so maybe we'll actually get to look at stars. That'd be pretty cool. The 3 hour lecture, though... that won't be cool. I have a hard enough time concentrating for 1 hour. I don't know how I'll manage 3. I'll have to doodle a lot.
I only have 1 class on Thursday (R). It's a relatively short class, too. That's frustrating. I'll have too much spare time on Thursdays. Hopefully the choir will meet that day or something.
I have orientation on Wednesday.
Can you believe I'm going to college in 62 days? I thought I'd never get there. Of course, now I'm absolutely terrified. I'm excited, though, too... a little.
I should get my housing info on Wednesday. That'll be exciting.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Ok. So yesterday...
Shawn drives me absolutely nuts. I can't stand that boy. He's so annoying!
the week's schedule
Sunday (17): work 11 AM - 5 PM
Monday (18): NOTHING!!!!
Tuesday (19): go see "Waitress" with Valen
Wednesday (20): Bloomsburg Orientation 9 AM - 4 PM
Thursday (21): work 10 AM - 4 PM
Friday (22): Grandma's birthday
Saturday (23): work 9 AM - 3 PM
Yuck. I just realized that I'm working all morning's this week. That sucks. Well... at least I have my evenings... to do absolutely nothing with.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
I got new stuff!
Indigo Girls - Nomads Indians Saints
Indigo Girls - Indigo Girls
Melissa Etheridge - Your Little Secret
A Knight's Tale
Yay Stuff!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I <3 Shredderman
Shredderman Rules is a highly amusing movie on Nickelodeon. I'm watching it right now. It has the kid from Ned's Declassified (Devon Wekheiser). I'm amused.
fun and my week's schedule
6/10 - 6/17 Schedule:
Sunday: work 5 - 9 PM
Monday: ....
Tuesday: work 11 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday: NPL 4 - 6/7 PM
Thursday: work 10 AM - 4 PM
Friday: work 4 - 8 PM
Saturday: work 2 - 8 PM
I want to see Shrek the 3rd sometime. If anyone would like to go with me...