OK. So I'm now working tomorrow (Sunday) from 1 - 7 PM instead of 11 AM - 5 PM. Thank you, Michelle.
I hate work. It sucks. There really isn't a reason it sucks, it just does. Well, the customers who look like they haven't washed their hands in 3 months are probably the biggest reason it sucks. Though, having to stand in front of my register staring at nothing is pretty sucky, too.
So, believe it or not, I'm actually started to get a little bit excited about college. It will probably go away soon.
I've been going through my CDs, trying to decide which ones to take with me. I have a lot of CDs. It's kinda crazy how many CDs I have. I got my first CD 7 years ago. Now I have more than 100... probably closer to 150.
I hate that I'll have to start all over. I've worked so hard to get the few friends that I have... OK, that's not true. They were kinda just there. But, I hate meeting new people. It's just cruel. Why can't somebody come with me? Anyone? *sigh*