Monday, June 18, 2007

Valen, Kayce, and I are going to see Knocked Up tomorrow at 1:40 PM.
It looks amusing. I hope it's good.
We're also going to the mall.
Kayce broke her foot, so we're going to push her around in a wheelchair. That should be fun, also.

62 days

I just got my schedule for up at Bloom. Yay!
They scheduled me for Psych 101, so I need to get that fixed.
My schedule is as follows (excluding Psych 101, cause that needs to be replaced):

Comp 1 MWF 11:00 - 11:50 AM
Mass Communications and the Popular Arts TR 9:30 - 10:45 AM
Basic Statistics MWF 9:00 - 9:50 AM
Intro to Astronomy T 6:00 - 8:50 PM

Yeah. Astronomy seemed pretty random to me, too. It fulfills a gen ed science requirement, though. I hope it doesn't totally suck. It's at night, so maybe we'll actually get to look at stars. That'd be pretty cool. The 3 hour lecture, though... that won't be cool. I have a hard enough time concentrating for 1 hour. I don't know how I'll manage 3. I'll have to doodle a lot.
I only have 1 class on Thursday (R). It's a relatively short class, too. That's frustrating. I'll have too much spare time on Thursdays. Hopefully the choir will meet that day or something.

I have orientation on Wednesday.
Can you believe I'm going to college in 62 days? I thought I'd never get there. Of course, now I'm absolutely terrified. I'm excited, though, too... a little.
I should get my housing info on Wednesday. That'll be exciting.