Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Home for the Holidays
I really wish I could write performance poetry. Sure, I write normal poetry... but it's not that great. And besides, it's not performance-worthy. My current dream is to record a performance poem. I don't think I'm going to live that one.
You know what my mom told me today? "Wendi's pregnant. She's about ready to pop." Blank stare. Are you serious? I'm already crying because I may never see one of my closest new friends again and you think it's the perfect time to bring up Wendi? I still miss her. It's bee more than 4 years since she left, and I still miss her. I guess I'm not so good at letting go. I can't stand to see someone I love screwing up her life. I guess she's already screwed it up, though. There's not much left she can do. 18 years old with 2 kids and 1 on the way. And for some reason, I blame myself.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
xkcd "Couple"
Wintery Mix
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Snow has fallen, snow on snow on snow on snow...
It snowed!!! This was technically the second snow of the season, but it was the first snow of December... on December 1st. How perfect is that!? My college friends and I went sledding at 2 AM last night (this morning). We didn't really do much sledding, though. There were rocks at the bottom of the hill. (Dan found that out the hard way.)
The Women's Choral Ensemble (of which I'm a part), the Husky singers, and the Concert Choir had a concert last night and the night before. They went well. I didn't screw anything up horribly, so I'm happy. Mom came up last night for the concert. It made me happy.
I'm sick. It sucks. I have so much school work to do today it's not even funny. As a matter of fact, it makes me ill just thinking about how much work I have to do.
Friday, November 9, 2007
9 days until adulthood
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
the end of my world?
Turns out college wasn't the end of my world after all... just the end of a part of my world.
I really like it here. I have a bunch of amazing friends. I even like some of my classes. I feel more myself here than I ever have. I'm still not happy, though.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Hashivenu Adonai Elecha, V'na-shuvah, Chadesh yameynu K'kedem
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Mother of Re-Invention (from The Magical Blog)
The Mother of Re-Invention
© 2007 JayCat
I bought a small bouquet
of scrawny yellow tiger lilies
from a Chinese woman at the station
at seven p.m. on a Saturday night.
I needed the comfort and the color
without you here, and
she looked like she could use the two dollars.
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(Dis)Comfort Zones (from The Magical Blog)
(Dis)Comfort Zones
© 2007 Franklin Perso
Washed out t-shirts and the smell of cigarettes.
So many other s have stood on these stairs.
Their troubles beyond my comprehension.
Consumed only in my own.
Ripped clothes and the smell of beer.
So many stand around me.
Their experience in the music,
so much different than mine
Formal suits and the smell of cofee.
Browsing over today’s agenda.
Their achievments,
so far above mine.
Everyday clothes, and no particular smell.
People with common intrest surround me.
Their feelings and emotions,
still different from mine.
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
Humble Praise (from The Magical Blog)
Humble Praise
© 2007 Franklin Perso
I cannot take you to the ends of the earth,
but to the edges of immagination,
we may sweetly drift.
I’ll show you not the greatest,
nor the biggest river,
but the shy mountain stream,
where so much more is hidden.
To the peak of the highest mountain,
we venture not.
But I’ll show you a hill…
With the humblest of views
over the lolling vallies below.
The moon it is too far away.
The stars are further still.
But flowers of the ordinary kind,
I can give to you any day.
I know not how to build for you
a castle in the countryside.
But I’ll hold you safely here with me,
untill the life has left
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Final Ballad (from The Magical Blog)
Final Ballad
© 2007 Franklin Perso
The one thing that I thought I had,
was raped!
Was taken!
But without intent to cause me pain!
Oblivious to the truth that my-
one grey talent does not belong to me!
Revealed to be what I knew it was all along:
Useless, shamefull, worthless scribblings.
Not worthy of a child!
I am but a child.
Unable to grow, in the way I wish to.
To Grow to my ultimate enlitenment!
To Strive to what I want to achieve!
Denying what they all can guess,
denying what I know.
That all has been a waste of time.
Where to now with me?…
When I see your face again,
I don’t know what Ill do!
Probably turn and run away…
something I always do!
Life’s sweetest emotion has been ripped away,
by the one who never intended so.
Life will show you a picture,
but the caption will be blurred.
Too advanced for a human eye,
to grasp the meaning of it all.
Life Lies!
Life Steals!
Life has kicked me a finishing blow!
“O! Why” I cry!
Must of all that you could take…
Why did it have to be my words?
I am now at a loss.
For my love.
my words.
my world.
It is now all just an inexplicable feeling within me.
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Friday, September 7, 2007
*sings* I got a new roommate! I got a new roommate!
I'm going up to Ithaca tomorrow to see Marsia. I should be happier. I was happy earlier. I think I'm just tired. I hope I'm just tired.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
and the end begins

Ok. So, I'm in my dorm right now. Just came back from lunch with my FRIENDS! lol. Go figure.
Anyway, this really isn't that bad. I wish someone would call me or something, that would make it better. I think we're going to go to Wal-mart once Mylissa gets out of the shower.
I still have quite a bit of organizing to do. I really should be doing that instead of traipsing all over Bloomsburg. Oh well.
Monday, August 20, 2007
getting ready
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
*deep breath*
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Sunday, August 5, 2007
I feel so old...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I think a fly just bit my ear.
On a different note...
I spent the weekend with Valen and Kayce! Yay! We stayed in their brother's camper in his backyard. Yeah. That was odd, but fun. Rachel stayed with us last night. I'm so tired. So, so tired.
I want to go to sleep.
I got a Zen V Plus (aka: a freakin awesome portable media player), though. So I'm content for the moment.